Middernacht & Alexander


STRATA  - Milan  Design Week
7 - 13 April 2025
Via Rutilia 10/9

How I Got Over (Overview)
2020-2024 Selection
Maroon Terra
Juniper Forest
Carmine Soprano
Arsenic Fog
Cloud Stone
Ruby Blush
Fossil Sage
Blonde Fern
Venetian Fire
Ebony Ice
Boon Sky
Cinnamon Cloud
Coral Moon
Planet Orchid
Toxic Moss
Bloody Lapis
Mauve Punch
Navy Raisin


We live our lives made up of a great quantity of isolated instants. So as to be lost at the heart of a multitude of things.


Ebony Ice

Ebony Ice
172 x 30 x 48 cm
Handcrafted using recycled steel, pigments, resin, and varnish.

Inspired by concrete and gravel Ebony Ice might come across as a rugged bench, possibly because of the many textured layers to which sand, cement and a variety of whites and greys were added. However the piece was finished using a water clear epoxy, smoothing out it's rough surface.

… we can regard retrocausality as a kind of fuzziness in the “crystallisation of the present” — Ellis has argued that the past is not always fully defined at any instant. It is like a block of ice that contains little blobs of water that have not yet crystallized. Even though the broad outline of events at a particular instant has been decided, some of the fine details remain fluid until a later time. Then, when this “fixing” of the details happens, it looks like they have retrospective consequences.
From “The Quantum Origin of Time”, BBC